Saturday, January 25, 2014

Rehab Weekend

We just finished an excellent rehab weekend at my house. Lots of folks came out and we got a ton done. Take a look at the photos and captions:

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Bathroom Demolition

Well I used to have a bathroom...decided on a last minute remodel. My brother, Collin, said the bathroom was a shit more ways than one. I couldn't agree more. 

Tore down the wall to the studs. Still have to remove the bathtub. I needed a bigger sledgehammer for that. The tiling was done very poorly and was a bitch to get off the walls. It will be so so much better when we are done.

Here are some photos of the demo

Friday, January 3, 2014

Backpacking the Southwest

On a break from working on my house, I took a backpacking/car trip through Utah and Arizona with friends. It was planned long before I got my house otherwise it probably wouldn't have happened. It was awesome. If you have never been to Utah and Arizona, I strongly urge you to go. They are beautiful states. Enjoy the photos

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

And the basement is finished...well sort of

My dad and I finished painting the basement about a week ago. With the help of my brother and brother in law and a few others, we installed most of the plumbing and electrical over the last two days. We now have a light in every room of the house and working toilets and sinks. It is really quite incredible to be able to flush the toilet when you have been using the neighbors toilet or a little squatty one I borrowed from a coworker.

Here are some photos from painting the basement and also the work quite a few people helped us do over the past few days (the updated photos are at the bottom of this album...just scroll down and you will see them)

Friday, December 6, 2013

Rehab Weekend

Now is the chance to get your hands dirty or at least covered in paint while helping me get my house ready to live in. I am having a rehab weekend from January 18-20th. There are a variety of tasks to be tackled including painting, tearing down a wall, tearing up the kitchen floor, cleaning, wiring, plumbing, etc. There is a little something for everyone.

Just click on the link below and fill out the short will help me know how many folks are coming and on what day(s).

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Rehab Addiction

I haven't updated the blog in awhile. I am going to try and post on here more often especially with progress on my house. Below I have a link to all the pictures I have taken so far...with notes on them. Some were posted earlier before we started doing any work...

We have done so much although it doesn't always look like it at time...feel free to take a gander of them. Also today was a great day working on the house...albeit a little (read lots...) terrifying. I completed a major repair at the house today with my dad. One of the main support beams in the basement was sitting on broken metal plates and as a result was twisting and shifting slowly over time. We jacked up the house three times and replaced all three broken plates. I might have experienced minor heart attacks all day especially when jacking up the house. And we also had to move the beam over...also scary. It's done and so much better now.

The photos from today are the last 10 or so photos of this album.

My Rehab Addiction Photos

Monday, October 21, 2013

Good Listen

I understand the irony by posting this on a blog...but it is the best way to reach a lot of people. I listened to this story this morning. It was a great reminder of hour technology helps but also controls much of our lives. I highly encourage a listen: