Thursday, July 26, 2012

A few more tidbits about running in the city

I forgot to add my love of Belle Isle. It is a great place to run, play sports, go swimming and just enjoying the city. It is one of the largest city parks in the country and for the sure the largest island city park. For those unfamiliar check out the always reliable wikipedia page ;) I am in a soccer league and we play all of our games here and at Fort Wayne. It is really quite a fantastic place...migh tbe on the run down side but I can't speak enough about it. I am a fan. The city and the powers that be are debating right now about giving the control of the park over to the state so it can get the much needed influx of cash to be run efficiently and at a much higher level. I for one am a fan of that.

The other great thing about running in Detroit....if you are ever feeling badly about yourself, a kind gentleman or two will give you some nice compliments. Here are a few examples of some of the nice compliments/questions I have received:

  • You look good.
  • How much do you workout?
  • Do you run often?
There are an assortment of other ones and sometimes they just whistle or clap. My favorite are the conversations I have when people follow me in their car or on bicycle. It goes something like this:

Them: Hey Girl (or darling or sweetheart or something like that)
Me: Hi
Them: You look good. How long was your run?
Me: Thanks (with an appropriate answer to the length of my run)
Them: Do you have a boyfriend?
Me: Yes (stock answer regardless of the truth of this statement)
Them: Oh does he run with you often?
Me: Yes but not today (again stock answer)
Them: He's lucky.
Me: Thanks
Them: Some version of "Keep it up or way to go" and then they move on.

If you made it this far and didn't realize I was being funny...know that I am...but seriously if I am feeling down sometimes these compliments help out ;)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Why I Love Running in Detroit

As you may or may not know, I am training for the Detroit Marathon right now. I had a very unsuccessful 10 mile run this evening. I mean I finished it...but it was painful and slow and I ran out of water multiple times. The last mile or so I had to walk because I was desperately thirsty and just the though of running made me even more thirsty.

Now why would I start a post titled, "Why I Love Running in Detroit", with such a sad story...well because today I discovered a great place to run in the city (or pretty close to the city). I ran along Hines Drive which is about 16 miles of bike/running path along a relatively quiet road with plenty of places to use the bathroom and get water (sadly today most of them were locked...hence my terrible dehydration). Anyway, I thought I would make a list of my favorite reasons for running in Detroit.

  • Previously mentioned Hines Drive
    • Minus my own problems thinking about my hydration needs ahead of time, it was a great place to get in a long run...It is probably even better for biking.
  • Running into people I know
    • Now don't get me wrong, I don't know that many people in Detroit but probably of 50% of my runs I run into someone I know. I love the small town feel of the city. It helps that I am in a soccer league with tons of other folks. You get to know a lot of people quickly.
  • Getting to know the city by foot
    • You see a lot more when you are running slowly. I run by empty fields, burned down or broken down buildings, the site of old Tigers Stadium, neighborhoods trying to make a resurgence. It is really quite interesting observing the changes happening in the city both good and bad.
  • The Dogs
    • Don't get me wrong...I hate the dogs that you can't see at first and start barking like crazy when you run by. They are all for the most part behind fences and bark at you for the length of the fence. If I can't see them at first, it always scares the shit out of me. The best part though is I mostly get chased by these little tiny chihauhau dogs while the scary looking ones just sit there too sleepy. It always makes me long as I am on the right side of the fence.
  • Detroit Urban Running League
    • Yes there is such a thing. I don't know who started it, but they meet at Belle Isle and run various distances on Saturdays and other times during the week. I was hoping for a running partner or two and got a whole group.
There are probably quite a few more reasons but this is what I got for now. If you happen to be in the city, join me for a run or a bike ride.

Oh and why I hate running in Detroit...I can never find a bathroom and water is scarce to come by. Many of you know my travails with needing to go to the bathroom while running so of course this often creates problems for me. And as empty as Detroit feels at is often hard to find a field to squat in or a tree to hide behind. I have had quite a few close calls over the past few months of running...