Thursday, October 30, 2008


I am beginning to believe I have some World Series magic...or something like that. I would say I am doing pretty good. I moved to Chicago....White Sox win the World Series. I move to Philadelphia....the Phillies win the World Series. My Sister in Law, Emily, says I need to move to Detroit and bring my magic there.

Really it's incredible to be here right now. Philadelphia has had a championship drought among the major sports going on 25 years....the longest of any major metropolitan area with four professional teams. There are all sorts of theories floating around Philadelphia as to why including the curse of William Penn. Google it....kind of interesting. But our fare Comcast building stepped in to help out by placing a small "statue" of Billy Penn on the top of their building....still don't know what I am talking that google button.

Anyway, the game was amazing tonight...considering it was continued from a suspended game on Monday night. The Phillies played perfect and earned an incredible championship.

Bud, Leo, Thais and I went down to Main Street in Manayunk to experience the fun with the many hundreds of people out there. It was crazy and I am not lying when I say it feels like Mardi Gras....great fun. There are thousands of people all over the streets in Philadelphia...I am not sure anyone will go to work tomorrow or Friday. I know I don't want to but well....duty calls.

Have a beer in honor of the many Philadelphians who will be doing it all weekend long....

Monday, October 20, 2008

This is a Real Photo

I initially thought this photo was some sort of photoshop job. Turns out it’s the real deal. Poor McCain. He can’t get a break. neice is learning already

Maybe accidental....maybe not


We must talk about poverty, because people insulated by their own comfort lose sight of it.

- Dorothy Day

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Big News

I am know beginning to understand why 2nd siblings often feel jilted when it comes to attention from their parents and other loved ones in their lives. I realized today that I failed to post about the birth of my second niece. I am going to try and be better about this and not solely talk about Rosie because we got two girls in the house. I am excited to meet her when I come home...whenever that will be.

Amelia Avery Anzicek was born on Friday, October 3rd at 11:32am. She was 6lbs. 12 ounces and healthy.

Here is a link to pictures if you would like to see her

Thursday, October 9, 2008

St. Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

- St. Francis of Assisi