It has been quite the weekend. It started with at 12.5 mile run with the students from my school. It is the longest we have run so far and the last 2.5 miles or so were pretty difficult for the students but I am proud to say they all made. I am impressed by all of them and the work they have put in so far. We have a half marathon (the Philly Distance Classic) coming up in two weeks. I am excited for them to take on this challenge.
After running, I went home, showered as fast as I could, at lunch, and headed to a wedding of friends of mine in Philly (Oscar and Karen). You can see pictures from the wedding and reception below. It was in a beautiful church and a great wedding. Also, some friends who used to live in Philly but moved about 2 months ago came back for the wedding with their 4 month old son, Collin, who has been a real treat to have around the house (they are staying with us for the weekend).
Between the wedding and reception, I went home and slept for almost two hours because I was exhausted. During which the effects of Hurricane Hannah started taking its toll on the Philly area. We had pretty much torrential downpour from 1pm until about 9pm last night. It was unbelievable...and crappy weather for a wedding but we got much needed rain.
I head to the reception after my nap. The reception was great and Karen and Oscar's wedding officially is listed in my top 5 favorite weddings. They know how to throw a great party. I danced for most the evening, the DJ was great, the food was amazing, and the bridge and groom made their rounds talking to probably everyone...all in all an evening well spent.
Today I headed down to South Street in Philly for the Philly Green Festival...yes you called it...a festival all about saving the world and cleaning up our environment one person at a time...of course I loved it. I met my friend Mary, perused the booths, ate at Moaz's (a falafel restaurant), visited a sewing store, and on my way back to the car....I know I couldn't believe I drove to a green festival instead of riding my bike....
Anyway on the way back to my car, who did I see...none other than Rob Schneider of crappy movie acclaim. I couldn't remember his name at first and called my brother, Collin, to help me out but just before Collin answered it came to me. He had hsi arm around a lady and signed a few autographs. We walked the entire length of a block together...kind of strange but hey it was my first famous person sighting in Philly...although I don't really consider him famous....just a crappy movie actor....
Here are pics from the wedding...enjoy
Thanks for the pics of your friends and their son. Last I saw her she was so ready to go. I got your message about the sewing store. Yes, very cool, very expensive. It turns out that sewing doesn't really save money all the time...
Your hair is so long!
Cute pictures.
Pretty hair!
I can't believe how LONG your hair is in these pictures! It looks really good...
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