Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sad News

As some of you might have seen, the program I run with in Philadelphia, Students Run Philly Style, was not one of the top vote getters for the AMEX funding. I think we finished somewhere between 50-60 out of over 1100 programs. Which really is amazing because many of these programs have a reach across the nation and even in the world. Our little non-profit made quite the splash, but it wasn't big enough.

Overall I think we received just under 900 votes which is incredible for a program that has only two full-time staff, an AmeriCorps Vista Volunteer, and about 30 Running Leaders like myself who pound the pavement with these students 3-4 times a week. I am sure the Top 25 are worthy programs but it is still disapointing. If you feel so moved, I would encourage you to vote for one of the top programs so they can receive the funding that we didn't.

On a side note, we were the top vote getting program in Pennsylvania which is really amazing. In the least, it helped provide some national exposure for our program and introduce it to many new people who may decide to donate on their own. Also, it created a little buzz at the school I volunteer at, West Philadelphia Catholic High School. Many teachers voted and have commented to me about the program and are impressed with the students still running.

Thank you for voting and supporting me vicariously through that vote. I definitely appreciated it and more than that appreciated hearing from so many of you who did vote.

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