Sunday, August 10, 2008

I'm Back....well at least I think so.

Okay so apparently I am terrible at this blogging thing. One of my goals for this upcoming year which by the way I still experience years from August to August...I can't help it. I have been a student forever and now I work at a high school. I think I will forever live by that calendar. Anyway one of my goals for this year is to blog and update people about my life more often. Not that I have all sorts of great things going on but that isn't the point. It is important to share life with people even if it is just the normal day to day and the things that make you think, laugh and enjoy life that day. And also the things that make you sad, lonely and wish the day would end sooner.

These are all important and hopefully you can look forward to hearing from me more often. Here's to another year and life lived. Selah

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