So again this happened forever ago but it was a small moment of fame in my life. Hillary Clinton came to Philadelphia for a rally prior to the Philadelphia primary and I was lucky enough to attend. I came with Bud and Sara and we had great seats to the left side of the podium she would be speaking on. There was a huge build up to her coming out to speak with both Governor Rendell and Mayor Nutter introducing her. In the past few years, I was able to hear John Edwards and Barak Obama so I was completing the potential Democratic President trifecta by seeing Hillary Clinton.
Hillary's people created a video of the rally at Temple University, but it isn't posted anymore on Hillary's website. On this video you could catch a small glimpse of me and my friend Sara if you had quick eyes. Well everyone didn't have quick eyes so Dave (my brother) was kind enough to make a freeze frame of the video and circle me and Sara in the video.
You will obviously notice Hillary's head in the picture:

Here is a slideshow of some pics I have of the evening:
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