It has been great living here and I feel very comfortable and welcome. When I am home, Hannah gives me a hug before she goes to bed and I often get to play with her. Tonight we made brownies together. Samantha still just kind of hangs around. It is nice living with little kids but I am sure glad I don't have to take care of them 24/7. It gives me much more appreciation for moms out there (you too mom). I also enjoy it because it gives me a sense of where my own nieces might be at in their development. I hope to know them as well as I know these little girls.
Here are some pictures for you:
Hannah made a picture of her family and the world. I made the picture. I am the black people figure in top left.
Burping the baby
Debbie is nursing Samantha and apparently Hannah wanted to give it a go know just hanging around
Hannah "reading" a cookbook"
1 comment:
Mar - This is a neat post. I hope you get to know your nieces and nephew that well, too. I have to admit that part of me doesn't want you to get the development job for LV because it might mean you can come back to MI. But what am I saying?!? Even if you come back I still live 10 hours away!
Have fun with those two girls. They'll be totally different in 6 months!
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