A poem by Paul Williams, from the book, Das Energi.
What is this word "efficiency"?
Sometimes it seems a close cousin to Death.
We are encouraged not to linger, not to enjoy life, to hurry up and get it done so we'll have time for something else.
Something else?
Efficiency the destroyer, millions upon millions of living dead, done in by the electric can-opener and the automobile.
Progress is our most important product,
babies are our business,
time is money,
life is cheap.
Modern technology, modern business, the modern state give us everything we need except breathable air, drinkable water, edible food, meaningful work, freedom from fear, freedom to love, freedom to be ourselves, courage, pride, friendship, hope.
The moral of the story is: don't be in such a hurry.
Beware creeping efficiency.
Slow down and live.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
A Good Point
As my mom pointed out after the Debate on Friday night regarding the little "game" I posted about:
Mari - with those parameters after what was discussed last night, nobody would be sober, their hands would be sore from clapping and voices hoarse from laughing!!! I think everything happened.
And yes mom you are correct.
Mari - with those parameters after what was discussed last night, nobody would be sober, their hands would be sore from clapping and voices hoarse from laughing!!! I think everything happened.
And yes mom you are correct.
Friday, September 26, 2008
A Debate Party
I am attending a Debate Party tonight at a Bar in Center City Philly. I have never been to a debate party before and this one is sponsored by Catholics for Obama. I am really intrigued and excited to go....not only for the debate aspect but also because Mayor Nutter is supposed to make an appearance along with Kerry Kennedy, Robert Kennedy Jr.'s daughter...I think it should be a great evening.
I sent the invite out to many of my friends and some are coming....one of them suggested the following as a good way to enjoy a debate. I don't necessarily endorse any of the thoughts below but this guy came up with some funny stuff. I thought it would make some of you laugh....or at least smirk.
I will not be participating in these festivities...just enjoying the debate at the bar. I have a 15 mile run with my students on Saturday morning so needless to say a night at the bar before a long run isn't a good idea.
Enjoy the game...or however you decide to play it...
A game suggestion for Debates....you can drink or do whatever you want....traditionally people make drinking games out of this stuff but you can find all sorts of ways to enjoy it. It is just funny the stuff people come up with regarding these candidates.
Drink/Laugh/Clap/Whatever when:
-When the buzzwords “change” or “maverick” or “hope” are used
-When someone says “I voted for or against” or “He voted for or against”
-When McCain refers to Obama’s “inexperience”
-When McCain stammers and looks like he might have a heart attack
-When McCain somehow works in his personal story as a POW during Vietnam
-When McCain refers to the moderator as “my friend” or the audience as “my friends”
-When Obama somehow works in his personal story of being raised by a single mom and his grandparents
-When Obama makes a smirk, shakes his head, and says, “Now wait just a minute…” or “hold on there…”
-When Obama makes the case that McCain and Bush are one and the same or uses the phrase “more of the same”
-When Obama talks about “multi-tasking” or having to address more than one crisis at a time as president
-When anyone brings up “suspending the campaign”
-When either one lays claims to being “bipartisan” or working “across the aisle”
-It’s a Social when Sarah Palin is mentioned!
-Finish whatever you are drinking if McCain loses his temper!
Drink when:
-When someone mentions the “Bailout” of Wall Street
-When someone mentions Wall Street and Main Street in the same train of thought
-When someone starts quoting dollar figures (for example: 700 billion)
-When someone talks about mortgages/foreclosures/homeowners
Drink when:
-If anyone uses the words “surge” or “victory”
-When anyone mentions a particular nation as being a potential “nuclear” threat
-When McCain talks about Islamic Radicals/Terrorists
-When Georgia and/or Russia are mentioned
-When Iran and/or Iraq are mentioned
-When Afghanistan is mentioned
-It’s a social for al Qaeda or North Korea!
-Finish whatever you are drinking if anyone delivers specifics on how to get out of Iraq “safely and responsibly”.
I sent the invite out to many of my friends and some are coming....one of them suggested the following as a good way to enjoy a debate. I don't necessarily endorse any of the thoughts below but this guy came up with some funny stuff. I thought it would make some of you laugh....or at least smirk.
I will not be participating in these festivities...just enjoying the debate at the bar. I have a 15 mile run with my students on Saturday morning so needless to say a night at the bar before a long run isn't a good idea.
Enjoy the game...or however you decide to play it...
A game suggestion for Debates....you can drink or do whatever you want....traditionally people make drinking games out of this stuff but you can find all sorts of ways to enjoy it. It is just funny the stuff people come up with regarding these candidates.
Drink/Laugh/Clap/Whatever when:
-When the buzzwords “change” or “maverick” or “hope” are used
-When someone says “I voted for or against” or “He voted for or against”
-When McCain refers to Obama’s “inexperience”
-When McCain stammers and looks like he might have a heart attack
-When McCain somehow works in his personal story as a POW during Vietnam
-When McCain refers to the moderator as “my friend” or the audience as “my friends”
-When Obama somehow works in his personal story of being raised by a single mom and his grandparents
-When Obama makes a smirk, shakes his head, and says, “Now wait just a minute…” or “hold on there…”
-When Obama makes the case that McCain and Bush are one and the same or uses the phrase “more of the same”
-When Obama talks about “multi-tasking” or having to address more than one crisis at a time as president
-When anyone brings up “suspending the campaign”
-When either one lays claims to being “bipartisan” or working “across the aisle”
-It’s a Social when Sarah Palin is mentioned!
-Finish whatever you are drinking if McCain loses his temper!
Drink when:
-When someone mentions the “Bailout” of Wall Street
-When someone mentions Wall Street and Main Street in the same train of thought
-When someone starts quoting dollar figures (for example: 700 billion)
-When someone talks about mortgages/foreclosures/homeowners
Drink when:
-If anyone uses the words “surge” or “victory”
-When anyone mentions a particular nation as being a potential “nuclear” threat
-When McCain talks about Islamic Radicals/Terrorists
-When Georgia and/or Russia are mentioned
-When Iran and/or Iraq are mentioned
-When Afghanistan is mentioned
-It’s a social for al Qaeda or North Korea!
-Finish whatever you are drinking if anyone delivers specifics on how to get out of Iraq “safely and responsibly”.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
How It Went...
The ING Half Marathon was this past Sunday. We had six students running and myself and another leader. We all finished in what I would say was great times. Here is a short but detailed version of the day...at the bottom of this post you will see some photos of the day. I only have a few. It is hard to take pictures when you are running :)
The day started at 5:10am when one of my student runners called to tell me she missed her bus...that would then take her to the school where the Students Run bus would pick us up. Only two problems...I was still in bed and Ashley, my student, lives in South Philly. I proceeded to run to the bathroom, change into my running clothes, grab a quick breakfast, and run to the car. I realized as I was pulling away from the house that well....I forgot to brush my teeth. Yep it happens...and well there wasn't anything I could do about it.
I picked up Ashley and proceeded to the school. All the students made it and we headed to the race start. We had about 45 minutes before the race start and we stretched, went to the bathroom, and got ready to start. Every one of our students finished the race and improved on their previous race times. We actually had one student who dropped 28 minutes from his 10 mile time. Basically it was an amazing day. The weather was beautiful and perfect for a run.
I am really looking forward to the marathon and half marathon in November. We should have four guys running the marathon and three girls running the half marathon. All in all I would say that is success....I mean even making it this far has been a success and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of these students' lives.
Here are the very few pics I promised:
The day started at 5:10am when one of my student runners called to tell me she missed her bus...that would then take her to the school where the Students Run bus would pick us up. Only two problems...I was still in bed and Ashley, my student, lives in South Philly. I proceeded to run to the bathroom, change into my running clothes, grab a quick breakfast, and run to the car. I realized as I was pulling away from the house that well....I forgot to brush my teeth. Yep it happens...and well there wasn't anything I could do about it.
I picked up Ashley and proceeded to the school. All the students made it and we headed to the race start. We had about 45 minutes before the race start and we stretched, went to the bathroom, and got ready to start. Every one of our students finished the race and improved on their previous race times. We actually had one student who dropped 28 minutes from his 10 mile time. Basically it was an amazing day. The weather was beautiful and perfect for a run.
I am really looking forward to the marathon and half marathon in November. We should have four guys running the marathon and three girls running the half marathon. All in all I would say that is success....I mean even making it this far has been a success and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of these students' lives.
Here are the very few pics I promised:
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Big Race
I have a big race with my students on Sunday...the Philadelphia Distance Run. I had a hard time sleeping on Friday night because I realized I didn't express to my students just how far they had come and how proud of them I am....
We started running in March....one mile was difficult. Tomorrow we line up to run a half marathon in which I know for a fact they are all well prepared for. We might not run it incredibly fast, but I know they will all finish.
I kept tossing and turning in bed thinking about what I would like to say to them Sunday morning before the race. I want them to know how proud of them I am. I want them to know they are about to accomplish something not many people have tried or even their many peers at school. I want them to be proud of themselves and the progress they have made.
Overall, I am exceedingly happy for them, inspired by them, and proud of the many risks they have taken on this journey, and I realized I need to express this tomorrow before the race. It wouldn't be right not to. I am running with another running leader tomorrow and six students. Six students who have never ran 13.1 miles before but who will by tomorrow afternoon. Think about us Sunday morning at 7:45am eastern time....it is going to be quite a day.
Here is a link to the distance run and also a picture of the course map:
We started running in March....one mile was difficult. Tomorrow we line up to run a half marathon in which I know for a fact they are all well prepared for. We might not run it incredibly fast, but I know they will all finish.
I kept tossing and turning in bed thinking about what I would like to say to them Sunday morning before the race. I want them to know how proud of them I am. I want them to know they are about to accomplish something not many people have tried or even their many peers at school. I want them to be proud of themselves and the progress they have made.
Overall, I am exceedingly happy for them, inspired by them, and proud of the many risks they have taken on this journey, and I realized I need to express this tomorrow before the race. It wouldn't be right not to. I am running with another running leader tomorrow and six students. Six students who have never ran 13.1 miles before but who will by tomorrow afternoon. Think about us Sunday morning at 7:45am eastern time....it is going to be quite a day.
Here is a link to the distance run and also a picture of the course map:

Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Pink Uglies
No I didn't say the Pink Ladies....The Pink Uglies
So many of you know I am part of a running program in Philadelphia called Students Run Philly Style. What you might not know is that this program gives free shoes to the running leaders depending on how many students run on your team. Needless to say I am one recipient of the free shoes because I am a main running leader on the team. Well a running store in Philly donates all the shoes and some are way cool, most are just fine, and a few are down right terrible.
Well my first time around, I got a "mostly just fine" pair of shoes. They weren't amazing looking but you wouldn't look at them and want to barf or anything like that....
Last night I received my second pair of shoes....I really should be grateful I am receiving a free pair of shoes and don't get me wrong I am....but well I had a hard time swallowing having to wear these shoes...
Take a look for yourself and The Pink Uglies
Basically I think Puma makes some pretty ugly shoes as illustrated above. Luckily or ironically...I am not sure which....the shoes don't fit me well. They are too thin and I have somewhat wider feet. We have a sneaker exchange next Wednesday night. I am going to try and get some shoes that fit better...and I will sadly part with The Pink Uglies.
So many of you know I am part of a running program in Philadelphia called Students Run Philly Style. What you might not know is that this program gives free shoes to the running leaders depending on how many students run on your team. Needless to say I am one recipient of the free shoes because I am a main running leader on the team. Well a running store in Philly donates all the shoes and some are way cool, most are just fine, and a few are down right terrible.
Well my first time around, I got a "mostly just fine" pair of shoes. They weren't amazing looking but you wouldn't look at them and want to barf or anything like that....
Last night I received my second pair of shoes....I really should be grateful I am receiving a free pair of shoes and don't get me wrong I am....but well I had a hard time swallowing having to wear these shoes...
Take a look for yourself and The Pink Uglies
Basically I think Puma makes some pretty ugly shoes as illustrated above. Luckily or ironically...I am not sure which....the shoes don't fit me well. They are too thin and I have somewhat wider feet. We have a sneaker exchange next Wednesday night. I am going to try and get some shoes that fit better...and I will sadly part with The Pink Uglies.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
You Gotta See This - Guarenteed Laughs
If you didn't catch the opening skit to Saturday Night Live last night you have to see this. Tina Fey was a dead ringer for Sarah Palin and Amy Poehler does a decent job with Hillary Clinton, but honestly Tina Fey steals the show. Ever since Sarah Palin came on the scene I thought Tina Fey would play an amazing double. Take 5 minutes to watch it because you will laugh out loud multiple times.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sad News
As some of you might have seen, the program I run with in Philadelphia, Students Run Philly Style, was not one of the top vote getters for the AMEX funding. I think we finished somewhere between 50-60 out of over 1100 programs. Which really is amazing because many of these programs have a reach across the nation and even in the world. Our little non-profit made quite the splash, but it wasn't big enough.
Overall I think we received just under 900 votes which is incredible for a program that has only two full-time staff, an AmeriCorps Vista Volunteer, and about 30 Running Leaders like myself who pound the pavement with these students 3-4 times a week. I am sure the Top 25 are worthy programs but it is still disapointing. If you feel so moved, I would encourage you to vote for one of the top programs so they can receive the funding that we didn't.
On a side note, we were the top vote getting program in Pennsylvania which is really amazing. In the least, it helped provide some national exposure for our program and introduce it to many new people who may decide to donate on their own. Also, it created a little buzz at the school I volunteer at, West Philadelphia Catholic High School. Many teachers voted and have commented to me about the program and are impressed with the students still running.
Thank you for voting and supporting me vicariously through that vote. I definitely appreciated it and more than that appreciated hearing from so many of you who did vote.
Overall I think we received just under 900 votes which is incredible for a program that has only two full-time staff, an AmeriCorps Vista Volunteer, and about 30 Running Leaders like myself who pound the pavement with these students 3-4 times a week. I am sure the Top 25 are worthy programs but it is still disapointing. If you feel so moved, I would encourage you to vote for one of the top programs so they can receive the funding that we didn't.
On a side note, we were the top vote getting program in Pennsylvania which is really amazing. In the least, it helped provide some national exposure for our program and introduce it to many new people who may decide to donate on their own. Also, it created a little buzz at the school I volunteer at, West Philadelphia Catholic High School. Many teachers voted and have commented to me about the program and are impressed with the students still running.
Thank you for voting and supporting me vicariously through that vote. I definitely appreciated it and more than that appreciated hearing from so many of you who did vote.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
How to Fix a Flat Bike Tire
Yep Folks....I took a class tonight on how to fix a flat bike tire and it was probably the most productive 2 hours (learning wise) I have had in a long time. The teacher was great and totally informative. It was hands on...as I type my hands are all black from grease....and there were only two students...can't beat that for students to teacher ratio...and it was free...for sure Trophy Bikes (my favorite bike shop in Philly) has earned my business in the future.
He also gave me some great advice for getting my bike ready for touring next summer...oh yes if you haven't heard I am almost 90% positive I will be riding across the US next summer with Venture, a non-profit my friend Aaron Smith from North Central University started.
Check it out
All in all it was an evening well spent and I am ready if my tires should ever go flat.....
He also gave me some great advice for getting my bike ready for touring next summer...oh yes if you haven't heard I am almost 90% positive I will be riding across the US next summer with Venture, a non-profit my friend Aaron Smith from North Central University started.
Check it out
All in all it was an evening well spent and I am ready if my tires should ever go flat.....
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Wedding, Running, Rain, Rob Schnieder and More
It has been quite the weekend. It started with at 12.5 mile run with the students from my school. It is the longest we have run so far and the last 2.5 miles or so were pretty difficult for the students but I am proud to say they all made. I am impressed by all of them and the work they have put in so far. We have a half marathon (the Philly Distance Classic) coming up in two weeks. I am excited for them to take on this challenge.
After running, I went home, showered as fast as I could, at lunch, and headed to a wedding of friends of mine in Philly (Oscar and Karen). You can see pictures from the wedding and reception below. It was in a beautiful church and a great wedding. Also, some friends who used to live in Philly but moved about 2 months ago came back for the wedding with their 4 month old son, Collin, who has been a real treat to have around the house (they are staying with us for the weekend).
Between the wedding and reception, I went home and slept for almost two hours because I was exhausted. During which the effects of Hurricane Hannah started taking its toll on the Philly area. We had pretty much torrential downpour from 1pm until about 9pm last night. It was unbelievable...and crappy weather for a wedding but we got much needed rain.
I head to the reception after my nap. The reception was great and Karen and Oscar's wedding officially is listed in my top 5 favorite weddings. They know how to throw a great party. I danced for most the evening, the DJ was great, the food was amazing, and the bridge and groom made their rounds talking to probably everyone...all in all an evening well spent.
Today I headed down to South Street in Philly for the Philly Green Festival...yes you called it...a festival all about saving the world and cleaning up our environment one person at a time...of course I loved it. I met my friend Mary, perused the booths, ate at Moaz's (a falafel restaurant), visited a sewing store, and on my way back to the car....I know I couldn't believe I drove to a green festival instead of riding my bike....
Anyway on the way back to my car, who did I see...none other than Rob Schneider of crappy movie acclaim. I couldn't remember his name at first and called my brother, Collin, to help me out but just before Collin answered it came to me. He had hsi arm around a lady and signed a few autographs. We walked the entire length of a block together...kind of strange but hey it was my first famous person sighting in Philly...although I don't really consider him famous....just a crappy movie actor....
Here are pics from the wedding...enjoy
After running, I went home, showered as fast as I could, at lunch, and headed to a wedding of friends of mine in Philly (Oscar and Karen). You can see pictures from the wedding and reception below. It was in a beautiful church and a great wedding. Also, some friends who used to live in Philly but moved about 2 months ago came back for the wedding with their 4 month old son, Collin, who has been a real treat to have around the house (they are staying with us for the weekend).
Between the wedding and reception, I went home and slept for almost two hours because I was exhausted. During which the effects of Hurricane Hannah started taking its toll on the Philly area. We had pretty much torrential downpour from 1pm until about 9pm last night. It was unbelievable...and crappy weather for a wedding but we got much needed rain.
I head to the reception after my nap. The reception was great and Karen and Oscar's wedding officially is listed in my top 5 favorite weddings. They know how to throw a great party. I danced for most the evening, the DJ was great, the food was amazing, and the bridge and groom made their rounds talking to probably everyone...all in all an evening well spent.
Today I headed down to South Street in Philly for the Philly Green Festival...yes you called it...a festival all about saving the world and cleaning up our environment one person at a time...of course I loved it. I met my friend Mary, perused the booths, ate at Moaz's (a falafel restaurant), visited a sewing store, and on my way back to the car....I know I couldn't believe I drove to a green festival instead of riding my bike....
Anyway on the way back to my car, who did I see...none other than Rob Schneider of crappy movie acclaim. I couldn't remember his name at first and called my brother, Collin, to help me out but just before Collin answered it came to me. He had hsi arm around a lady and signed a few autographs. We walked the entire length of a block together...kind of strange but hey it was my first famous person sighting in Philly...although I don't really consider him famous....just a crappy movie actor....
Here are pics from the wedding...enjoy
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