Saturday, February 9, 2008


I went snowboarding with Denis, Katie, and Annabel last night. I am not sure if I have mentioned Katie and Annabel in case I haven't, they are two Lasallian Volunteers that live in Camden which is only 20 minutes away. We see them at least once a week but most often more than that.

Anyway, the four us went to the slopes last night. I was the only one snowboarding...also it was Annabel's and Denis' first time skiing so it is alway interesting watching first timers. They actually did pretty good and managed to stay on their feet most of the night. It was really strange conditions to snowboard in was about 40 degrees outside and the snow was all fake but hey we at least got out. I am pretty sore today but it is worth it...this gets me one step closer to deciding to buy a know I am going to be watching those end of season sales like a hawk....

Enjoy the pictures...

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