Sunday, November 4, 2007

A Little of What I'm Doing

So I have been pretty busy me there will be more coming in terms of this blog. The last couple of weeks have been jam packed with all sorts of events, trips, haunted prisons and other things that have been taking up my time. While you are waiting for these wonderfully entertaining blogs to come your way, I thought I would let you explore some of the work I have been doing with the volunteers. Part of my volunteer position includes working at the Christian Brothers Spiritual Center with our Young Adult Program. I have been doing a lot of the "technology" aspects of what we do....this is comical to me because sometimes I don't have a clue as to what I am doing but I learn as I go.

One of my "learn as I go" experiences was building a website. I finished it a little while ago and I think I worked out the initial kinks....enjoy perusing and learning a little more about what I do here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mari, that's a great site. Congrats on your newfound techy skills. :)