I am also still pretty consumed with running. Sara and I have been running faithfully for months now and we are nearing the end. We only have three runs left. I can't believe the marathon is only a week away, but honestly I am really glad to be done with such a strict schedule. It will also be great to see many of the other Lasallian Volunteers who are also running and coming to watch. In total I think there is 15-20 of us running.
Running hasn't actually been all that bad. Bud has really been sprucing things up for Sara and I after our mid-week long runs. Normally, our community has dinner together at 6pm Monday-Thursday, but Sara and I have been missing dinner on Wednesday so we can complete these runs together because they tend to be on the long side (anywhere from 5-10 miles depending on the week). After our first mid-week long run where we missed dinner, we came back to find that the kitchen table was set for us and dinner was staying warm in the oven. It made a good run even better knowing that our community was thinking about us. Not only was the table set and dinner ready, but Bud also made a wonderful centerpiece for our dinner. It was a great pick me up, and the centerpieces only got better as the weeks rolled on. I only have pictures of two centerpieces, but they are great. They are pictured below in order....mind you the second one is the best!!!
Week 1 - A tribute to well of course running and also the many blisters both Sara and I were getting. If you look closely you can see "blisters" on the cactus.
Week 2 - This needs some explaining...see Bud started referring to our sports bras as sand traps. Long explanation, but needless to say it stuck. He then made a artistic representation for us....hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
1 comment:
I do not know whether to be offended or laugh:)
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