Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Marathon Wrap Up

The Detroit Marathon was this past weekend and I have to say it is some of the most fun I have had around running in a long time. Four of my LV friends and a Christian Brother I know came in for the weekend. Myself and Br. Paul ran the marathon and my friend Janet ran the half. Melissa, Mary and Denis all came to cheer and see Detroit. 

I spent most of Friday and Saturday taking my friends around the city and going to the Expo to pick up our running numbers. We got all over the city and the weather was amazing. We had a big pasta dinner on Saturday night and I attempted to get some sleep before the race....this is really never a success. We got up around 5:30am and headed out the door a little after 6am. Evelyn was kind enough to give Paul, Janet and I a ride to the starting line. We had time to go to the bathroom, drop of our gear and gear check and hit the starting line. Paul was in a much higher starting corral than me and Janet so he started the race much sooner than us. We got across the starting line around 7:20am and hit the streets. 

A few facts about the Detroit Marathon. We run across two bridges and through one tunnel. One of the bridges and the tunnel bring us back and forth to Canada. There was over 18,000 runners but only about 3,700 did the marathon. They have an international half marathon that obviously goes to Canada and a Michigan Half which stays in Detroit. I expected the race course to be pretty empty on the back side but with the variation of runners doing different races it was never really empty. 

Anyway around mile 2 we start to head up the Ambassador Bridge and to Canada. Mary, Melissa and Denis were waiting here to cheer which was great. They had planned out multiple locations on the race course to see us throughout the day. Around mile 3 I lost track of Janet on the bridge. It was pretty packed and you had to keep moving. We knew I would probably be running a faster race than her so I just kept going. The view from the top of the bridge was amazing. The sun was just beginning to rise and the city looked great with the morning light hitting it. You had to remind yourself it was okay to slow down and take a look. 

I had trained with the hopes of running at my best a 4:15 marathon but I knew this might be a long fastest time thus far in marathons is around 4:29 so that is a significant time drop. Early on in the race, I was keep pace and feeling pretty good. We ran about 3 miles in Canada and headed to the Windsor Tunnel which would take us back to Michigan. I was warned that the tunnel gets really hot but I wasn't ready for this. It is underground for about 1 mile and there is even an underground marker at the exact border between the two countries. I was sweating so much at this point. Outside the tunnel it was perfect running weather. Inside the tunnel felt like an oven. I was also warned to make sure my running number was clearly visible because customs officers would stop you upon returning to the US if they couldn't see your number. Honestly after running the race, this seemed like a customs nightmare but they obviously make it work. I asked Janet (who is from Los Angeles) if they would ever do a race like this between California and Tijuana. She just laughed.

Anyway, we emerged from the tunnel to a blast of fresh cold air which felt we turned the corner onto Jefferson, I heard MC Hammer "You Can't Touch This" and they had a big banner saying "Welcome back to the United States." I have to say it was a little exhilarating especially with all the people watching looking for their friends and family. 

I kept my pace and started looking for my family around mile 10.5 where they said they would be waiting. Right on cue I saw them and stopped to say a little hello. It is always great to see people you know around the course. It gives you that little blast of energy you need. My stomach was also feeling a little upset at this point and I found some porta potty's with no lines and hit one up. As I got close to the half marathon mark, my legs were already starting to feel it. I had gone out a little faster than I intended and was worried about the second half of the race. My friend Mary intended to join me at mile 15 and run to the end of the race. Right on cue she was there with Melissa and Denis at mile 15. I was so grateful to have a running partner at this point. I could tell I was starting to struggle and the next 10 miles were going to be brutal.

Mary made a point of talking to me and just telling me random stories which was great. Initially I was good at chatting back with her but as we progressed on the course my ability to respond quickly diminished. By mile 18, I was just asking her one line questions. My mile 22, I was just responding to her stories with one word answers. By mile 24, I was barely able to grunt a response back to her...and at that point I remember thinking "Stop talking to me...I don't have the extra calories to listen!" This wasn't actually true...I was so grateful to have someone running with me and motivate me to keep running. I also felt my body getting tighter and screaming at me to stop. My quads hurt so bad and literally every time I closed my eyes to blink I had to work very hard to open them again. I have never felt this depleted in a race before but I also knew I was incredibly close to getting my goal time.

Mary encouraged me to keep running and even helped me switch out my shirts when I was getting too hot. Throughout the whole race, I was using a run/walk method that I had read about for years but never used. Basically you run for a predetermined amount of time and then walk for a predetermined amount of time. I was running for 9 minutes and walking for 1 minute throughout the entire race. The fellow who came up with this method is a huge believer in it...but the idea is it only works if you do it from the beginning of the race even when you are feeling great. If you start walking once you start to feel have already lost the opportunity that the 1 minute brings to your bodies. I don't know the research behind it but I know it worked for me. Towards the end of the race these walk breaks became harder and harder. I had a difficult time starting to run after each of them. Mary and I decided together that I should probably skip the last walk break and just run the last mile....that was probably the best decision ever. I am not sure I would have been able to run again if I stopped. 

Around mile 25, I saw my cousin Josh's wife, Pam, and their three year old Gina. It was literally at probably my lowest point on the race. I was so tired, felt like I couldn't keep my eyes open, and was struggling to finish. It was a huge to see them...and extra cute was to see Gina running after me with the sign her and Pam made. This little bit motivated me to keep going and push on. 

I rounded the corner and saw the 26 mile the top of a hill....I pushed up it and rounded the corner. Mary cut out at this point and I saw Melissa, Denis, and Janet all waiting along the finish line route. I crossed the finish in an official time of 4:15:56...which was my goal. I couldn't hardly believe it. I knew I trained well for the race but I wasn't incredibly optimistic about finishing in my goal time. I have trained well for marathons in the past and completely flopped in the second half of the race. I really think having Mary run with me was a huge burst and also having my friends there cheering. Here is the link to my finishing time, splits and pace:

I met up with my dad, Paul and Janet at the gear check. Paul finished in a great time and qualified for Boston. The first thing Janet told me was she puked three times on the Ambassador Bridge. Apparently she wasn't feeling too well! She did say after that she felt great and had a much easier time running. As a Detroiter, I thought this was great because the owner of the Ambassador Bridge is a terrible man and is currently trying to block the building of another bridge over the river...much to the chagrin of pretty much everyone in Detroit. With that said, Vote No on Proposal 6.

After the race, we gathered at my house and quite a few family members came over for chili and a potluck. It was great. The perfect ending to a great race and a beautiful race day. At this point, moving was terrible for me so I pretty much stayed sitting at the table. Paul, Denis, Mary and Melissa hit the road shortly after this because they all had to work on Monday. It was great to see all of them and show them around the city.  

Monday after the race was really difficult. Going up and down stairs and going to the bathroom was to be avoided at all costs. Janet and I took it easy...minus visiting John King bookstore...which if you are from Detroit or been there before you know this is a massive bookstore with 4 floors and tons of stairs. It might have been a mistake to go on Monday after the marathon but it was the only time we could go. I painfully moved up and down the stairs but it was worth it. 

As I right this, I feel a thousand times better. I can move with relative ease. I have been going up and down the stairs like a champ with only slight pain. I am still not ready to run but I feel great. Mostly I am just in shock I ran the time I wanted to run and don't really feel any residual injury. It was a good enough race for me to consider training for another marathon next year. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Marathon Info

If you are interested in tracking me via your mobile phone or the internet on can!

There are a few ways to track. All you need to know is my name and my Bib Number which is 1458. Here are the tracking methods:

  • Download the Marathon App
    • If you have a phone that lets you download apps, go to this website and download the Detroit Marathon App:
    • I haven't downloaded the app myself but apparently there is a section of it that will give you live updates of my progress on the course.
  • Track Online
A lot of races offer an option where they will send you text messages of my progress through the race but apparently not this one. These are the only two options I can find so far. Enjoy tracking me!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Something I Forgot to Mention

Not sure I really mentioned this at all...but I have been training for a marathon all summer long. It feels like eons ago that I did that first 2 or 3 mile run that was miserable. You know...that first run after you haven't run in about 6 months. Well if you don't know that feeling, it's pretty bad. You feel slow and every step seems like really hard work.

Well that was about 6 months ago and I most recently ran 20 miles, 12 miles, and varying distances from 4-6 miles during the week. I won't say any of those runs were easy but they did feel easier than that first run months ago. That is the beauty of marathon really see the benefits and what 6 months of running does for you.

I ran through terrible heat, cold, rain and just about everything else to get ready to run the Detroit Marathon on the 21st. Over the course of my training schedule, I only missed 3 runs and those were really early on. I had a little bit of a soccer injury that kept me off the road...and I had to have a little heart to heart with myself and determine if I really wanted to train and run this race. I decided I did in fact and have had one of the best training experiences of my marathon running career. I don't know if this will lead to a Personal Record for me...but I feel great knowing I stuck with my goal and in a week and a half and I will do this thing.

I have also prided myself a little on running a marathon in every city I lived Detroit is getting added to that list (this doesn't count Eaton Rapids...they don't have a it isn't going to happen).

Friday, October 5, 2012

Positive News

Well this has been a big week for me. Just 4-5 weeks ago I was feeling pretty bad. I had applied for quite a few jobs and heard nothing from most of them but I did secure a few interviews...only to hear a lot of sorry  but we have gone with someone else. And about 6 weeks ago my car was stolen as many followers of this blog know. Needless to say, I wasn't too happy nor feeling to good about moving to Detroit. Most of the reason I was looking for a new job was because my position at the Wheelhouse is seasonal. We close for the winter and I am on my own trying to find another position to stay living here.

Fast forward to one day I got a new car and two job offers....two great job offers. Both very different but good replacements to the Wheelhouse. First about the car. Through the help of some great friends I was able to secure an excellent car. It is a 2002 Ford Escort. Two Door, manual, A/C, cruise control. And it is 10 years younger and has 120,000 less miles than the car I previously owned. Now this is an excellent car but I would give anything to not have had my original car stolen. I loved little red (most of the time) and she and I traveled everywhere. I am very grateful to have found a new car though...and immediately walked down to O'Reilly's Auto Parts and bought The Club. My dad and I are also going to install a kill switch and some other theft deterrent measures. I hope to have this car for a long time. I even drove it to work today just because I could :)

Now to the jobs. I interviewed with two great well respected organizations...REI and the YMCA. I was offered a position at both organizations on the same day...which happened to also be the day I got my car. REI is part time doing customer service but I also will receive health insurance. I was impressed with the managers I interviewed with at the store and felt like it could be a fit. The position also comes with room for movement in the store and possibly the organization.

The YMCA position was a full time Annual Campaign Assistant Position. As many of you know, I was previously doing fundraising with the LVs and had a somewhat love/hate relationship with it. I have the skills and ability to be a good if not great fundraiser but I don't always love it. I wasn't sure I would even get an interview for this position but I did. I interviewed with two fellows who would be my supervisors. I really liked them both and I am very much drawn to the ideals and values of the Y.

I hoped I would get offered one of these jobs and I was ready to take whichever one was offered. I wasn't expecting to get offered both...Over the last 24 hours, I have done a lot of soul searching and really thinking about what I want at this time, what I can offer these organizations and what I am truly valuing right now. With all that in mind, I decided the REI position was a better fit. It wasn't an easy decision and will not make me rich (probably poor because I will want to spend all my money at the store). I felt with the flexibility of the position being that it is part time, I will have more time to spend with family, volunteering in the community and continuing to get connected. Now one could argue working downtown at the Y would provide all of these things which is partially true...but ultimately I decided that position at the Y wasn't the best fit for me. Maybe in the future but now.

I know not everyone will understand this and won't get my reasoning...and that's okay. I have always valued living simply and following my dreams and values...even if that means working part time while I continue to discern my future steps. I am excited about the job and hope for the best. I will start there in the next few weeks and be sure to keep you posted.