Saturday, July 16, 2011


I am terrible about posting on here. Between total exhaustion, miles of biking, phone calls to make to be sure we have a place to stay and something to eat, I am finding myself with very little time...and more often than not no internet connection. It has been a great summer so far and I am really enjoying myself. Like I said in my last post of 14 months ago :) follow the LVs Ride blog and you will get a lot of information from there.

We are in Redfield, SD right now and we are two days from crossing the boarder into MN. I really can't believe we have already come this far. Give it another day or two and we will cross the 2,000 mile mark. That's intense. My knees hurt pretty regularly now and I am not sure what to do about that. I am thinking about moving my seat up about a cm to see if that will help.

The heat has been pretty intense. I drink more water now than probably ever before in my life. I know it is bothering other riders more than myself. I am just grateful I can get on my bike everyday and enjoy the trip cross country.

My favorite stops so far: Shell, WY. Population probably 15 but the amount of fun to be had is greater than that. The people were great and showed us amazing hospitality. We had an amazing night there.

The Big Horn Mountains were intense to climb. I hope to come back and enjoy them for a longer period of time but without my bike. We climbed to 9,033 feet over 20 miles and I never want to repeat that again. It was amazing and intense but a once in a lifetime experience.

Really the trip has been great with definite ups and downs but I am having a great time. I owe many a phone call and it will come at some point...don't worry...maybe I will catch up on all those rest days in Chicago. I can't wait until Chicago :)

I hope you are well and enjoying following the ride. We will be in your neck of the woods soon if we haven't been there already.