Earlier this week I went to an adaptation of C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters at the Lantern Theater Company in Philadelphia with most of my community. It was an excellent show. It won't travel but if it did I would recommend that you go see it, so you are going to have to take my word for it. Here is the synopsis:
"In a dark corner of Hell's bureaucracy sits mid-level demon Screwtape, scratching out letters to his nephew, Wormwood, filled with advice on how to corrupt a human soul. 'Bring us back food or be food yourself,' Screwtape tells him. Gleefully, Screwtape catalogues the list of human frailties upon which Wormwood is to prey – war, lust, debauchery, decadence, and all sorts of wickedness. This rollicking adaptation by Anthony Lawton turns this revered classic into a multi-media event sparkling with music, dance, and infernal unpredictability. Also featuring Geneviève Perrier."
The two actors did a masterful job not only bringing the book to life, but they also had small interludes between the dictating of each letter to Wormwood that were fantastic...sometimes funny, sometimes sensual, sometimes sad, and sometimes unbelievable...It was everything I was hoping for and more.
Here is a picture of most of my community before we went into the Theater.
Sara and I are also going to the Wilma Theater tonight to see a show called The Age of Arousal. I know...I am sure you are all guessing what this one is about. Here is the synopsis...it is supposed to be really excellent.
"Dare to enter the boldly uncensored world of loosened corsets as five Victorian women pursue a new age where erotic and economic freedom reign supreme. It’s 1885, and a population imbalance leaves England flooded with half a million more women than men. The Women’s Suffrage Movement is invigorated by the rise in numbers as non-married ”Odd Women” fight with passion, clarity, and confusion for sexual and financial independence. Determined to make women rich, a former militant Suffragette battles for equal opportunity and enlists female students to master the technology of the male-dominated workplace. But when a charismatic man with new ideas is thrust amongst the women, their most passionately held beliefs are thrown into question. Can women remain friends when a man comes between them? Is it possible for two people to love as equals? Sexy, fresh, and vibrantly funny, Age of Arousal is a modern look at forbidden Victorian desires on the brink of explosion."

I will let you know how this one turns out....